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Saturday, 28 January 2012

Fund Raising

All Veolia staff working at the Hub have a chance of winning 1 of 25 Hub parking vouchers I have donated to our WaterAid committee. I will begin selling raffle tickets in The Hub Restaurant from Monay 30th January, dig deep and be generous.

A big thank you to all who have donoted via my Virgin Money Just Giving Account -

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Members of supporters trip

These are the other representatives joining me on the trip to Zambia
Matt Armitage from Yorkshire Water
Helen Cheeseman from The Environment Agency
Kevin Buck from Southern Water
Paul Davidson from Scottish Water
Damon Edwards from Northumbrian Water
Diana Freeman from Anglian Water
Sally Gronow from Welsh Water
Susanna Golics from South West Water
Joanna Shippey from South East Water
Jody Knight from Wessex Water
Grant Smith from Anglian Water

Group Photo of WaterAid Supporter's

Hi Followers,

Here is a picture taken at our recent briefing session at WaterAid's offices of all the supporters taking part in the trip to Zambia. Credit Nikki Skipper/WaterAid for photo
Begining to get real, have just got my malerone prescription and starting to buy all the other day to day medication, memory cards and batteries for camera, clothing etc, the list goes on!!

have had some really good advice from Dan Phillips who went on the last Supporter's trip to Bangladesh and will be taking on board his suggestions - big thanks, much appreciated.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Link to Virgin Money just giving page

Dear all,

Please follow the link below if you have been inspired by the work that WaterAid are doing.

Monday, 2 January 2012

Happy New Year

Wishing all my followers a Happy New Year and hoping that your 2012 is going to be as exciting and rewarding as mine.
It is now 6 weeks before I leave for the WaterAid Supporter's trip and now is the time for all the planning and preparation now that Christmas and New Year celebrations are done. I am meeting up with the other member's of the group this Friday for the first time at WaterAid's offices in London where we will be given more details about the trip. All very exciting.
A big thank you to good friends Liz and Jo for making a donation to WaterAid on the back of the trip I am undertaking. I will shortly be posting up a link to a 'Virgin Money' Just Giving account where donations to WaterAid can be made.
Best wishes and a Happy New Year to you all.
